Friday, December 17, 2010

Technique essay

Elijah Jewell

There are various ways to make your photos look as those of a professional. To help you, here are 3 techniques: rule of thirds, how to have a decent background and getting your horizons straight.

The Rule of thirds is a basic technique in the world of a photographer. The rules of thirds are broken in to 9 equal rectangles or squares. The rules of thirds have 4 money shots or the spots where the 9 rectangles or squares intersect. These money shots are used to draw the viewer to these 4 spots. The rule of thirds also can be used to level out lines.

A picture isn’t much with out a decent background. A change in your cameras aperture to a lower number which will blurry some of the objects so that your subject stands out more than anything else. Another way to eliminate unnecessary things in your background is to simply zoom in on what you’re trying to capture. A more creative way to get a nice background for you photo is to make your own background that fits in with picture.

Nothing isn’t worse than a lop sided or crooked picture. To avoid this from happening you can use the rule of thirds button on your camera if optional to guide you to a straighter picture. A helpful attachment that can be bought to perfect straight lines is a sprit level. This shows you where the camera needs to be put so it takes a great straight photo. A less aggravating way to get your photos straight is to use a photo editing software. A popular software’s to use are Photoshop and Picnik.

So there you have it, a couple of tips to help you with your photography. Remember these 3 tips, the rules of thirds, how to have achieve a decent background and getting your horizons straight. Use these as a helpful guide to professional photographs.

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